Chris Jackson

Chris Jackson

  • Title:
    Head Coach
  • Phone:
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  • Previous College:
    Azusa Pacific University
  • Mt. SAC Starting Year:

Chris Jackson enters his nineteenth year (19th) as the Head Women’s Water Polo/Swimming Coach and professor.  Since his arrival, he has developed the Mt. SAC Women's Aquatics Program into one of the state's top community college programs. He has mentored several All-Americans in Swimming and Water Polo.

In 2011, he guided the women’s Swimming Team to a 7th place finish at the State Championships. South Coast Conference Swimmer of the Year, Nicole Blum, lead the team with two state championships and 9 All-American Honors.  Along with Blum, Nicole Carlton earned All-American Honors in 6 events.

2010 marked the first time in college history that the Mounties captured the South Coast Conference in Women’s Swimming.  Jackson was named South Coast Conference (SCC) Coach of the Year for guiding the team to an SCC Championship, a 7th place finish at the state championship and guiding South Coast Conference Swimmer of the Year, Angela Kanigowski, to her second consecutive State Championship in the 50-yard Breaststroke.

2009 was a phenomenal season for Jackson who coached Angela Kanigowski to a state championship in the 50-yard Breaststroke and a new state record in that event (30.00).  The women’s Water Polo Team was 3rd in the conference and 8th in the Southern California Championships.  The Swimming Team placed 8th in the State Championships and second in Conference. 

Jackson has been coaching Aquatics for over 18 years. He began his coaching career at Walnut High School as a Water Polo and Swimming Coach.

Jackson is the grandson of two-time Olympic Pole Vault Gold Medalist Reverend Robert “Bob” Richards.  Richards is one of the greatest athletes in the history of the Olympic Games with three medals (2 gold, 1 bronze) and is a member of the Olympic Hall of Fame.  He captured 20 US National Championship Titles and was the first athlete to appear on the front of the Wheaties Cereal Box.  

Jackson received his Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology from Cal State Fullerton and received his Masters in Education from Azusa Pacific University.  

In his spare time, he enjoys outdoor activities including surfing, bicycling and camping. Jackson lives in Walnut with his Wife Susanne, a sign language interpreter at Mt. SAC, and their four children Christyn, Kelly, Ryan and Nathan.